Welcome to Foothills Camera Club

Promoting the Art of Photography Through Education and Fellowship

Next Meeting September 3, 2024


Congratulations to Chuck Fowler for Image of the Year!

Upcoming Competitions
Images for these two competitions must be taken between June 8, 2024 and the close of competition in May, 2025.

Special 5 Themes

  • High Key, Low Key, Backlit, Harsh Light, and Diffused Light. 
  • Throughout the season there are plans for presentations and Challenges for each technique so everyone has a chance to submit and see challenge images before the final Special 5 deadline

President's Theme - Tranquility

The definition is: A peaceful, calm state, without noise, violence, worry, etc

What's New

  • Two of our members (Barb Larson & Laura James) are heavily involved in the Priddis & Millarville Fair Photography contest which runs August 17 & 18 at the Millarville Fair Grounds. See page 35 in the Fair handbook link for details. Entry Deadline is Aug 4, 2024 (see page 47). Barb would be pleased to see many FCC members take an opportunity to enter photos in some or all of the 24 categories.
  • We would love to see your photos! Check out the galleries and feel free to add to them. 
  • Do you have a special interest or passion in photography? Is it listed under our Special Interest groups? If not consider starting one of your own. Just send an email or make an announcement at the next meeting.


Membership: For new or returning members see our step by step guide.

Calendar: Check for meeting times, competition deadlines and upcoming Field Trips.

Field Trips: Field Trips will be organized by our Field Trip coordinator BUT you don't have to wait for that. If you have an idea, and want to invite others out, feel free to send a email to the members outlining your idea. If you contact a member of the executive we can add it to the calendar as well.

Education: We are looking at traditional as well as non-traditional ways that we can bring presenters and speakers to our members.  We are researching opportunities for local in-house speakers as well as Zoom speakers. Zoom speakers will be presented at the in person meeting. 

Competitions:  Competitions are ongoing.  See the Competition Summary for dates and the FCC Handbook for competition categories. Visit News and Information for competition results. 

Newsletter:  "Organization/News and Information" *for members only

Social Media: Join our private Facebook Group  You can use it to post images, and talk with other club members and past members. It is a private group so if you haven't been to it before you will need to "Join" the group.  Please note that you need to be a current or past member of FCC or have been a speaker at a club meeting to join this group.

Sponsors:   2023-2024 Sponsors  Thank you to all of our sponsors! Sponsor representatives will join us at the following meetings:



2023-2024 Competitions




Congratulations FCC!

2023 CAPA Photo Journalism Competition - 4th Place with Honourable mention (31 Clubs Entered)






Our Affiliates


  Generously Supported By



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