Organization Galleries

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TitleGallery Creator
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Gallery Categories
This includes galleries that did not specify a category.
2020-2021 Competitions
2021-2022 Competitions
2022-2023 Competitions
Technical Challenges
Older Competitions
Winning Images from the old Competition Manager and the FCC website
2023-2024 Competitions
2024-2025 Competitions & Challenges
CAPA Competitions
Creative Challenges
General Web Site
Club Photos to appear on Home page
Field Trips
Special Interest Groups
SIGs are sub groups of FCC for members that wish to pursue a particular interest with like minded members. We have Night/Astro, Shoot Like Film and Portrats
Thumbnail Image
Favourite Photography Locations in Calgary
Some local sites to capture great images.
0 images in the gallery
Additional information:
Byron Robb

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